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Curriculum Calendar
Customized Calendar for your Curriculum
Automatically generate a calendar of curriculum events for faculty and students.
Curriculum Calendar
Curriculum Calendar
Curriculums can be hugely complex and thorough. The Curriculum Calendar allows for viewing and managing events, like scheduled lectures and labs, in a familiar view. This is helpful for scheduling and generally for offering a more visual, user-friendly way of approaching certain aspects of curriculum management.
Intuitive Interfaces
The curriculum calendar is designed to help users with visual cues signaling key information, providing an efficient overview of upcoming events.
Mandatory Flags
Mandatory Events will be flagged in calendar views to highlight the most important events.
Events are color-coded by course in every calendar view.
Interface Options
Users can choose between multiple ways to view upcoming events:
Curriculum Calendar
View upcoming events by month, with color-coded displays and mandatory flags signaling important information even at this broad level.
Curriculum Calendar
View upcoming events by week, with events arranged according to day and time so users can easily see how different events overlap.
Curriculum Calendar
Go even more narrow and view events for a single day, again arranged to visually represent the time frames of each session.
Curriculum Calendar
Finally, view events in the “agenda” view which shows events as a chronological list. Scroll to see previous or upcoming days, with days marked, and the times listed in color-coded blocks alongside the event name.

Powerful Features

Hidden behind these user-friendly interfaces are innovative, powerful systems that allow users to enjoy features such as:
Students and Faculty can subscribe to specific events or all events in the click of a button. This copies all events that got subscribed to for uploading them to a personal device.
Event Rollover
After the first academic year of implementing eCurriculum, The calendar becomes more automated because of event rollover. Events from the last academic year can be rolled over to the next.
Create Events
Authorized users can easily add events to the calendar including a variety of details: date, name, description, attendees, and more are all able to be specified.
Administration has the ability to publish and unpublish events. When the event is published, it is now available to view for all faculty and students. Unpublishing an event does not delete it, but it hides it from view for non administrators.
Assign Attendees
Assign attendees to the event to control who will see the events on their calendar. To save time, users can select pre-established groups, such as cohorts, to mass select attendees.
From eduCATE, the calendar can be viewed and sessions and their materials (i.e., assignments, announcements, discussions, etc.) can also be tied to corresponding information in eCurriculum.
Calendar-based Reports

Because the primary purpose of curriculum mapping is to ensure that the proper amount of time is being given to established standards and competencies, calendar-based reports can offer an excellent measure of the curriculum’s current success.

Calendar-based reports in eCurriculum support duration breakdowns by type of session, faculty, location, and/or standards covered. That is to say, users can see the amount of time given to a particular type of session or the amount of time faculty members are working (etc.), or they can combine the breakdowns to see, for example, how much time a given faculty member spends of a certain type of session.

This information can then be compared to student success on the skills covered in those sessions or on those standards to see how well that amount of time is preparing them to succeed (this comparison is particularly easy when eCurriculum is integrated with examN+ and eValuate+). Reports can also provide a breakdown of the amount of time spent using each method of instruction per course, topic, and/or discipline.

These reports have a wide breadth of functionality, and these are just some highlights; gaining a better understanding of how instructional time is distributed is a key component of curriculum mapping, and eCurriculum makes this information significantly easier to access. 

Curriculum Calendar
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Find out how eCurriculum can improve your school’s curriculum mapping efficiency and provide insights on your curriculum’s gaps and overlaps.
Curriculum Calendar